Our Story

  • Danielle Fox

    My name is Danielle, I am a Qualified Teacher, currently in the private sector. I have been a PE netball specialist for 5 years and have been coaching for many years! I have taught both primary and secondary aged children and have a huge passion for Netball.

    I am still a member of a local Netball club, playing every weekend in the Surrey and MET league.

    I have lots of knowledge and experience to pass on...

Our Focuses

  • Netball Skills

    • Passing

    • Attacking

    • Defending

    • Shooting

    • Rules Awareness

  • Personal Skills

    • Teamwork

    • Communication

    • Spacial Awareness

    • Confidence

    • Co-ordination

  • My primary school was small, only one class per year, I was in the Netball Team (there wasn't a lot of competition) and we played after school once a week.

    When I went to my secondary school, there was a lot more competition, I got overwhelmed and lost my love for the sport.

    If only I had a little more 'time on the court' before I went to the next school I might have stuck with it..

    It took me until I was 21 to fall in love with it again, when in fact, I could have done with a sporting focus at school when I was there.

  • The idea of these sessions is to give girls more 'time on the court', more knowledge, confidence and skills before they start secondary school. A chance to meet new people and feel ready to attack when they get on the netball court - literally!

    We Strive to create a fun, active and safe session for girls to learn netball skills, build confidence and make friends.

    No previous experience needed (we all had to start somewhere!)